Monday, April 19, 2010

Teen Pregnancy Information And Facts

There are many - some very serious issues involved with teenage pregnancy these days. There are numerous health risks to both the mother and the unborn baby, and there are some very important factors we need to consider. Even with the numinous and in some cases quite serious health risks, there are still almost one million teenage girls becoming pregnant each and every year here in the United States alone.

Listed below are some of the many risks and complications that can occur as a result of teenage pregnancy. Low Birth Weight - Teenagers are less likely to gain the extra weight they need during their pregnancy, leading to a low birth weight. Low birth weight, in turn, is associated with many and varied childhood disorders, and also has a high rate of infant mortality.

Early Sign of Pregnancy - Tracking the Symptoms

Infants who are born with a low birth weight often have organs that aren't developed fully, which can result in something as serious as bleeding in the brain. If you are a pregnant teenager, it is very important that you make sure you gain adequate weight to avoid such health risks. Premature Babies - Teenage mothers are far more likely to give birth to premature babies, which pose serious and sometimes fatal risks for the baby.

Most commonly, premature babies are at a much higher risk than full term babies to develop bleeding in the brain, serious retinal problems, intestinal problems, and even sudden infant death syndrome, which is the unexpected and unexplainable death of a baby in their sleep. Even if none of these happen, a premature baby is much more prone to face a lifetime of many health problems - seizures, developmental delays, and even cerebral palsy.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar- An Important Record

Smoking and Pregnancy- However sad, teenage mothers are more likely to smoke than mother's over the age of twenty five. Smoking dramatically increases the risk of a low birth weight in babies, which is discussed above. Also, smoking while pregnant highly increases a lot more pregnancy complications, premature birth, and giving birth to a stillborn baby to name but a few. The information on this page is not intended to be a criticism towards teenage pregnancy; rather it is geared towards highlighting the risks involved.

We strongly recommend that if you or your child is a teenager and pregnant, that you should always go to your prenatal care visits. And no matter what else you to, at the very least be sure to take your vitamins and eat a healthy diet - always keep a record and maintain a good pregnant weight, but don't do it by eating junk. Remember A healthy, balanced diet goes a long way not only for you but also for your developing baby.
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pragnancy Information

Only sign of pregnancy that is most common is the missed or delayed menstrual period. Otherwise, early pregnancy symptom varies with the different pregnant woman and also with the different pregnancies. Importance of the sign of pregnancy cannot be ignored because in the lack of the proper knowledge of the sign of pregnancy one can easily confuse with anything other than pregnancy. The degree of the variation in the sign of pregnancy is very high.

In one case the sign of pregnancy may appear within one week of the conception while in other case it may take few weeks before the early pregnancy symptom starts appearing. In some cases it is also possible that a particular sign of pregnancy may not appear in the pregnant woman at all. Implantation Bleeding One of the earliest sign of pregnancy is implantation bleeding.

It can take place as early as within 6 to 12 days of the conception. The reason behind the implantation bleeding is implanting of the embryo on the uterine walls. The time of this kind of bleeding is almost same when you would have your menstrual period had you not missed it because of the pregnancy. As and when you observe the first sign of pregnancy you should take the help of weekly pregnancy calendar so that you get to know about the changes take place in the body of the fetus and mother from time to time.

Irritation In The Behavior Along With The Indigestion And Heartburn If a woman starts irritating easily then it can also be a sign of pregnancy. A pregnant woman has to face many types of sickness and tiredness because of the changes in the hormones. So, the other people living with the pregnant woman should understand it and must cooperate with the pregnant woman.

In addition to irritation a pregnant woman may also experience the problem of indigestion and heartburn. Change Of Complexion And Loss Of Weight Breaking skin and change in the complexion is also a sign of pregnancy. This again is a result of the raging hormones in the body. However, this problem does not last much and usually ends by the second trimester of the pregnancy period. In some cases the pregnant women pass white and thick cervical mucous that is more in the quantity than the normal.

One surprising sign of pregnancy is the loss of weight. If it is the first trimester of the pregnancy period then it is not unlikely that you may shed a little bit of weight. However, this weight loss is understandable because of more healthy food intake due to loss of appetite along with no or less alcohol consumption.
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