Sunday, December 22, 2013

Important Pregnancy Advice Women Should Know About

By Karen Bellamy

Pregnancy is a great time in life since you're delivering a new life to the world. While there are many joys involved, there are many big changes going on in your body during this time. Use these suggestions and focus on the health of your child and yourself.

Take time every day to relax and enjoy yourself and your pregnancy. Pregnancy is a stressful time, and once the baby is born you will have much less time to yourself. Take advantage of the time now to relax, meditate, and reconnect with yourself and your unborn child. Your blood pressure will thank you.

Don't be afraid to contact your doctor if you suffer any unusual symptoms during your pregnancy. These symptoms include stomach pain, cramping, vaginal bleeding, and especially a decreased level of fetal activity. It's difficult to tell if everything is okay from the outside, and you're better off asking your physician to check if something seems strange.

Do not avoid sex when you are pregnant. Many women are under the assumption that sex can harm their unborn child, but this is not true. In fact, sex can be helpful. Women have high hormone levels when pregnant, and having sex can help relieve some of the stress that these hormones give them.

Find out if you're pregnant as soon as possible. Although it is rare, some women go through too much time without knowing they're pregnant. This can possibly cause severe pregnancy complications.

Be prepared to lose a few extra strands of hair in the postpartum period. Many women are not aware that this is common and are alarmed when it occurs. The extra shedding is likely due to hormonal changes and should stop within a couple of months. If it continues for a long time or you are concerned, ask your doctor to check your thyroid levels.

Always remember your partner or spouse while you're pregnant. The chance is that they are nervous as well about your baby being born, so they need to be reassured as much as you do. Do things together, like going for a walk or taking in a movie. Get as much time in together as you can before your bundle of joy comes along!

Make sure to keep the windows wide open if you are doing any decorating with paint or glue during your pregnancy. Paint and wallpaper projects can release harmful fumes into your nursery. Keeping the windows open will dissipate the fumes and help you to avoid any harmful effect on your baby.

Prior to retiring every evening, do some leg stretches to avoid cramping while you sleep. You may wake up with your legs tangled, so this will help loosen them up. Doing some leg stretches before bed will help your muscles to loosen and keep leg cramps at bay.

Pregnancy can intensify the sense of smell, making everyday odors nauseating. If this happens to you often, keep a tissue with some lavender or lemon oil on hand. When you are passing an odor that you find insulting you can smell the oil on the handkerchief.

Avoid hot tubs and saunas during pregnancy. Women who are expecting should avoid getting overheated since it can put the baby at risk. There are some products that spas use that can cause early contractions, as well, especially in the earlier stages of pregnancy. Specifically avoid clary sage, juniper, or rosemary oil.

Many women find the hormone changes of the first trimester to be exhausting. To improve your energy during pregnancy get plenty of rest at night and incorporate a daytime nap into your schedule. Exercise can also be helpful. Your body is going through many changes, so it is important to take good care of yourself.

The best thing an expectant mother can do for her unborn child's health is to quit smoking. A mom-to-be should talk to her doctor or midwife for help and support. If you cannot quit, cut down! Studies show that women who are pregnant and do not quit, should attempt to limit themselves to five cigarettes a day. Even if you do not quit, continue to follow the other directions given to you by your health care professional, such as taking dietary supplements and eating sensibly.

Take a belly picture every week or every other week to document your pregnancy. The time flies by so quickly and before you know it your little one is here. The pictures will help you look back and reminisce on this time. It will also help you compare your size if you happen to get pregnant with another baby.

Take the time before heading to bed for the night to stretch your muscles. When pregnant you can constantly be on the receiving end of leg cramps due to the extra strain your muscles receive from the weight gain. Stretching before going to bed relaxes the muscles and makes them less likely to cramp in the middle of the night. You will be rewarded with a restful night's sleep!

When you are pregnant, you will want to keep a support system around you to help you through these next months. This support system can be family, friends that you have had for years, or new friends that you have met through pregnancy and pre-natal classes. Keep them close, because they will help you with answers to your questions and will help you learn all you need to know.

Remember that you're going to be pregnant for a long time, so you don't need to know everything about pregnancy right away. You have several months to learn all there is to know about pregnancy. Slowly gather information about the aspects of pregnancy you need to know. Over the course of your pregnancy, you can build on the knowledge you've already learned to become an expert on being pregnant. Use the tips you read in this article as a jumping-off point for increasing your knowledge. First and foremost, relax and make sure you enjoy your pregnancy.

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